TEK Club

TEK Club

TEK Club

TEK Club TechCorps sponsored Techie Club aka TEK (technology education klub, student-named) is a program that includes 40+ hours of hands-on, interactive activities tied directly to national CSTA Computer Science standards for 3rd – 6th grade students. The lessons focus on a variety of computing topics, promote 21st century skills and provide students with an awareness of technology and STEM-related careers. The club is run by two site coordinators, Mrs. Laverdiere and Ms. Deutsch, as well as 14 volunteers from Progressive, Inc. from the technology and business fields.
We made our own video mashups in TEK Club! 


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Video 2 Techno


<video controls id="224886ea-4e71-4218-84e5-1b1f3da3b92d" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="https://www.sel.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/224886ea-4e71-4218-84e5-1b1f3da3b92d.mov.jpg" data-setup='{ "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="https://www.sel.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/224886ea-4e71-4218-84e5-1b1f3da3b92d.mov.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="https://www.sel.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/224886ea-4e71-4218-84e5-1b1f3da3b92d.mov.ogv" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>

Lego Robotics #1 - 12/3/2014

Today in TEK Club, students began working with Lego Robotics. Students learned how to create two robots. The first robot was operated with a "hand crank," while the second, more sophisticated robot was programmed with a "brick," which is a programmable "brain." "  My favorite part was the hand cranked car because I could really do it instead of watch some one else do it." said one of our students, Charlotte Hantus. For the next two weeks, students will continue exploring Lego robots.  Reported by Mrs. Laverdiere and Jocelyn Moores
Our First Lego Robot


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Scratch Programming

Today in TEK Club, we worked on Scratch. We had an awesome time! First, we created different things. Then, we made a ballerina whirl around and change colors. Next, we made a dinosaur change colors and do different functions like walk, say many different things, and jump. Today in Techie Club, we had a blast ! Reported by Alexis Thomas

Peanut Butter and Jelly

In TEK Club today, students learned how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, step.by.step. And, the results were hilarious. The students realized very quickly that if you are not very specific in your programming instructions, the results are not what you imagined!

Computer Exploration

In TEK Club, we learned about the components inside a desktop computer. Each component was removed, labeled, then put back together. Some of the components we looked at included the CD-ROM, the hard drive, RAM memory, and how to connect the cables. Reported by Mrs. Laverdiere
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