Junior High School Gifted Services

Junior High School Gifted Services

STEP UP - Junior High School

STEP UP takes place during the school day and there is a focus on independent inquiry skills.  The program focuses on working with students to acquire the tools they will need to explore academic interests above and beyond the traditional school curriculum in addition to promoting a commitment to lifelong learning, informed decision making, community involvement, and leadership. Students are placed in the STEP UP program through eighth grade unless specific conditions indicate that the placement is not in the student’s best interest.

ALPHA - Junior High School

A gifted intervention specialist is available at the Junior High School to support teachers and students.  The gifted intervention specialist provides consultation services to Math and Language Arts teachers through common planning time.

Direct services with the gifted intervention specialist are focused in the subjects of Math and Language Arts.  The gifted intervention specialist may co-teach with the regular classroom teacher and/or help to provide materials to challenge high-ability learners.  ALPHA students may be involved in Advanced and/or Honors courses at the Junior High School.

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