EVOLV Frequently Asked Questions
My child had a secondary inspection done. Does this mean they found something bad?No. EVOLV is intended to alert potential threats. However, many everyday items can cause an alert, such as keys, chromebooks, and other metal items. If a student is getting pulled for secondary inspection regularly, it can be helpful to identify what item is alerting EVOLV and consider if it can be left at home.
A secondary inspection sounds invasive. What does it entail?
The system gives a localized alert (ie: a backpack or front pocket), which allows the second inspection to be targeted. The inspection is conducted using a handheld metal detector waved near the area alerted by EVOLV to identify the item that caused the alert. Backpacks are searched if EVOLV indicated the alert in the bag. The bag search is conducted in front of the student. All secondary searches are conducted in view of security cameras.
What happens if my child is found with something they aren’t allowed to have?
Any item discovered through regular screening that violates the student code of conduct will be addressed as outlined in the Student Handbook. Families will be notified if this occurs.
Do visitors have to be screened through EVOLV?
Yes, all visitors to the Greenview, Memorial, and Brush must be screened before entering the building. An EVOLV system is located at the entrance to each building. Instructions will be provided.
Will EVOLV be used at athletic events
EVOLV will be used at home football games in the fall of 2024. Announcements will be made as plans are made for future athletic events.
Yondr Pouch Frequently Asked Questions
What if I need to contact my child during the school day?
In the event of an urgent message, families can contact the main office to get a message to their student. However, if it is a message that can wait until the end of the school day, please wait until school has dismissed.
What if I want to contact my child during an emergency?
We understand the desire to contact students during an emergency to know they are ok. The district has communication protocol during emergency situations. Families will receive continuous information from the district, which results in the sharing of only confirmed, factual information.
Additionally, during an emergency situation, students must be alert and ready to follow any and all instructions. Phones can be a distraction and even a dangerous hazard during a lockdown or evacuation situation.
What happens to my child’s phone if the school is evacuated?
School administrators have a number of magnets to allow for stations to be set up away from the building to release phones from Yondr pouches in the event of an emergency evacuation.
My child uses their phone for medical reasons. Will they still be able to have it?
Yes. Any student requiring access to their phone for legitimate medical reasons can get an exemption by providing a medical note from their physician. They will then be issued a Yondr pouch that can be accessed during the day.
What happens if my child forgets to bring their Yondr pouch to school?
Students who forget their Yondr pouch will have their phone and other personal communication devices (such as smart watches and bluetooth headphones) stored in a locked cabinet in the main office. They may retrieve it at the end of the school day.
What happens if my child loses their Yonder pouch?
Students who lose their Yondr pouch will be charged for a replacement. The cost is $35.
My child forgot to unlock their Yondr pouch before leaving school. What should they do?
If students leave school without unlocking their Yondr pouch, they can return to the school before 4 p.m. to have it unlocked. If they miss this window, they will need to wait until the next official school day to have the pouch unlocked by an administrator.