South Euclid Lyndhurst School District News Article

Memorial Junior High Students Shine on Patriot of the Pen Essay Contest

December 4, 2024 - Recently, 60 Memorial Junior High students participated in the VFW Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest, a nationwide competition that challenges 6-8 graders to share their thoughts on an annual patriotic theme—inspiring creativity and critical thinking. This year’s theme, "What is Patriotism to Me," gave our students the chance to showcase their talents and make our community proud.

The students were treated to a pizza party to celebrate their accomplishment. While all students did a great job, 7 were selected as Honorable Mention and 3 received a Youth Essay Certificate of Merit, which earned them a cash prize and entry into the next level of the contest!

Honorable Mention:
Mariyah Brown
Jayon Murphy
Liam Schaefer
Natalie Criniti
Braelyn Townsend
Zion Shelton-Rushton
Bryce Kinney

Youth Essay Certificate of Merit:
Naomi Body
Chloe Colvin
Muhammad Maiga

Congratulations Arcs and good luck to our students moving on!

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