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Student Achievement Recognized Across District
SEL Schools Recognize Students
Student Achievement Recognized Across District
Teachers and staff at all buildings throughout the SEL Schools regularly take opportunities to recognize students for academic achievement and improvement, and other areas related to learning and growth. On Tuesday, November 2nd, Memorial Junior High (MJH) held a 1st Quarter Awards Ceremony in the cafeteria during which all recognized students received a certificate and an ice cream sandwich treat. Below is a summary of the awards granted to MJH students: 

8th Grade Awards
5 students with a 4.00 GPA (all A's)
38 students earned Honor Roll (3.5-4.0 GPA)
58 students earned Merit Roll (3.00-3.49 GPA)
49 students earned a Perfect Attendance Award

7th Grade Awards
68 students earned Honor Roll (3.5-4.0 GPA)
34 students earned Merit Roll (3.0 – 3.49 GPA)
50 students earned a Perfect Attendance Award

Greenview Middle School created a virtual First Quarter Awards Ceremony to celebrate student achievement in Grades 5 and 6. Students who earned a 4.0 GPA (All A’s) were recognized with Distinguished Honors Awards. Honor Roll (3.5-4.0 GPA) and Merit Roll (3.0-3.49) recipients were announced also. Additional recognitions included the ARC Award which salutes students who daily embody the school values of being “Ready, Responsible, and Respectful” and the Improvement Award. Twenty-one students, one selected by each homeroom teacher, were granted the Principal’s Award and received a certificate and special treat from Principal Megan Young.

At Rowland Elementary, monthly virtual celebrations ensure that all students are recognized throughout the year. Students and classes are selected from a diverse collection of celebration awards every month that focus on academics, conscious discipline, and encore classes. Examples include Master of Math award, Super Speller Award, Manners Matter Award, Outstanding Organizer Award, Stick-with-it Award, and Helping Hand award.

Congratulations to all SEL Schools students who were recently recognized for their classroom achievement, effort, and displaying Arc Pride towards their responsibilities as learners! Keep up the great work!