District Financial Information

District Financial Information

What We Do

Welcome to the South Euclid Lyndhurst School District Treasurer’s Office. The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the school district and works collaboratively with the Superintendent of schools and reports directly to the Board of Education. The Treasurer, by state statute, also serves as the secretary to the Board of Education.
The Treasurer’s office is responsible for the accounting of all financial transactions within the district pursuant to applicable state and federal laws and in accordance with board policy and administrative guidelines and has a staff of six (6). The office staff includes the Assistant to the Treasurer, Payroll & Benefits Supervisor, Benefits & Payroll Assistant, Accounts Payable Coordinator, EMIS & Data Specialist, and the Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer.

The records of the district are audited annually by the Office of the Auditor of State and the district has received an unqualified opinion each year. The district maintains approximately 500 different funds on its books and has an annual budget of approximately $75 million.

Important Financial Links

Employee KIOSK


Please email [email protected] or call 216-691-2048 if you have a public records request. Here is information from Ohio Auditor of State about Ohio's Sunshine Laws. 

The Treasurer's Office

Treasurer - Joshua J. Hill
Assistant to the Treasurer 
Cassandra Heeter

Payroll & Benefits Supervisor 
Nicole Grzybowski
[email protected]

Benefits & Payroll Assistant 
Michelle Stone
Accounts Payable Coordinator 
Denise Breucker

EMIS & Data Specialist 
Edna Phile

Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer
LaQuitia Creel

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