South Euclid Lyndhurst School District News Article

Rowland Coffee Cart Helping Students Learn

 Rowland Coffee Cart

For students with special needs, real life opportunities to practice pre-vocational and life skills are a critical part of their education. These learning experiences help to promote independence, provide opportunities for meaningful social interactions, and develop a foundation of skills for their respective futures. Students in Ms. Kalnitskiy’s MH classrooms are getting these opportunities by delivering coffee orders (with adult facilitation). The Rowland Coffee Cart is for staff and teachers only, and orders are submitted using a Google Form that is sent out at the beginning of the week. Staff have a variety of choices including decaf coffee and tea and all items are one dollar. Students assist in counting orders, setting up cups, and making coffee with adult facilitation. Students then travel with their teacher delivering coffee and collecting money. All money collected is used to purchase supplies for the Coffee Cart. Allowing the students with disabilities at Rowland Elementary to be a part of something so meaningful is another way the teachers and staff ensure that all students have the education, knowledge, exposure, training, and life skills they need to be successful!

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