South Euclid Lyndhurst School District News Article

Brush High School Poetry Slam


English teacher and Creative Writing Club advisor, Katie Sutton brought back the annual Brush High School Poetry Slam with nine students sharing multiple pieces of their original work.  The students invited family and friends to the event which was judged by Brush staff members: Sherri Charnock, Sallie Fine, Latricia Jethrow, and Jill Strainic.  Prizes were awarded to: Chloe Carpenter (1st place), De Neya Lee (2nd place), Elianna Steele (3rd place), Malik Lesley (Best Performance), and Allen Boone (Best Poem).  A special thank you to the Brush PTSA for funding the event. The Creative Writing Club meets weekly and is open to all students in grades 9-12.  Congratulations to all of the writers on their strong work and enthusiastic participation.

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