The SEL Schools recently wrapped up the first grading quarter and buildings across the district devote time to recognizing students for the academic achievement, hard work, and dedication they displayed over the first several months of the school year. At Memorial Junior High, students were recognized during a special awards assembly in the gym. During the 7th grade awards portion, sixty-two students achieved Honor Roll status (3.5-4.0 GPA), and thirty-six students attained Merit Roll (3.0-3.49 GPA) status. During the 8th grade awards ceremony, forty-nine students made Honor Roll while forty-one received Merit Roll certificates. A total of eleven 7th grade students and seventeen 8th grade students were recognized for achieving perfect attendance during the first quarter.
At Greenview Campus, students in grades 4-6 were recognized for a variety of accomplishments, including, Honor Roll (3.5-4.0 GPA) and Merit Roll (3.0-3.49 GPA), Perfect Attendance award, and Improvement Award. Additional honors included the ARC Award which salutes students who daily embody the school PBIS values of being “Respectful, Responsible, and Ready,” and the Principal’s Award.
Congratulations to all students who were recognized for their first quarter achievements! Keep up the great work!