In late winter 2012, after countless hours of planning and work, the South Euclid-Lyndhurst City Schools Alumni Association dedicated the Brush Alumni Association’s Legacy Gallery (1865 – 1970) to the Board of Education.
The gallery is a collection of photographs and memorabilia depicting the history and growth of the District from 1865 through 1970. The display includes a wide selection of photographs and showcases containing various items that represent the culture and tradition of the South Euclid-Lyndhurst City Schools.
The gallery concept was originally presented by Jim Makee (Class of ’60) who not only conceived the idea but also oversaw the creation of the gallery; designed and built cabinets, researched and collected memorabilia and hung all displays. Linda Meredith Makee (Class of ’60), Jim’s high-school sweetheart and wife, wrote the information regarding the displays and as former President of the Alumni Association raised funds and provided the motivation and encouragement that kept the gallery team moving forward with the project. Avid area historian, Thom Treer (Class of ’65), helped select the photos that are on display and also provided some of the historical photos from his vast personal collection. Dave Chilson (Class of ’65) oversaw and administrated the production of all selected canvas prints. Lastly, Candy Clemson (retired Brush art/gifted education teacher) artistically implemented choices and placements of all displays; researched and collected historical artifacts and helped design the entire layout.
The efforts of this relentless crew have done much to preserve the history of the South Euclid-Lyndhurst City Schools, dating back to 1865, with “treasures” in photos and hands-on items. Remarkable items were unearthed from closed school tunnels, custodians’ closets, alums’ basements, and the South Euclid Historical Society (courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Al Eich).
The gallery is located on the second floor of the Administration Building at 5044 Mayfield Rd. in Lyndhurst (on the corner of Mayfield Rd. and Richmond Rd.) and is open most week days from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. To find out if the gallery is open on the day you want to visit, call 216-691-2000.