Health Services

Health Services

Health Services

Health services are offered to all students of the South Euclid Lyndhurst City School district.  These services are provided by licensed nurses and trained school health aides employed by QUICKmed, our contracted provider of coordinated health services.  These services include: 

  • vision screenings
  • hearing screenings
  • immunization screening
  • development and monitoring of the student health card, including existing medical conditions and cautions
Additional services include first aide, communicable disease inspections and epidemiological control when necessary. The administration of medication is also available with the provision of necessary paperwork by the parent and physician.  Forms are available online or at your school’s office.
The district nurse has many roles within the school setting. As a provider of student health care, clinical knowledge and the application of nursing process assist in planning for the student with special health needs. As a teacher, the nurse can help to provide information in the area of health education to students, staff and parents. As a communicator in a consultative or resource role, the nurse can help facilitate a better understanding of student health needs to SEL staff. The role of planning and coordinating student health care takes collaborative effort within the school system and in the community. The school nurse can help articulate specific needs that will enhance a student’s ability to perform at an optimal level for academic achievement.

For more information, please contact D'Andrea Rander, RN Health Services Coordinator at 216-691-2022 or [email protected].

Medication in School Update

Clinic staff will not administer any medication to students unless they receive a form completed and signed by the prescriber and the parent, and the medication has been received in an appropriately labeled container.
  • The medication and the signed permission form must be brought to the school by the parent or guardian.
  • Students may NOT bring medication to school.
  • New medication request forms must be re-submitted each school year.
If you have any questions, please call 216-691-2022 or email [email protected]

Important Links

Important Documents

Nursing Services Forms & Documents

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