Arika Taylor, Principal
Wendy Anderson, Secretary
Welcome to Sunview Elementary School! We are excited to offer our students a meaningful educational experience, made possible through a collaborative partnership between our outstanding staff and student families.
We encourage our families to be active in their student's education - get to know the staff in our building, attend school events as you are able, join the Sunview PTA and volunteer, and, most importantly, talk to your child about their learning! A five minute conversation each day can have a powerful impact. Please also engage in nightly reading and math practice with your student.
We ask families to be mindful of their student's attendance. Full day attendance is essential to maximizing each student's learning opportunities. Full day means students are in their homeroom seats by 8:45 a.m. and remain in school until dismissal. Every minute in school counts!
We will be sending an emailed bi-weekly newsletter home to families, available via a link in the districtwide Arc Connection. Please take a few minutes to read through this newsletter so you are aware of what we are doing here at Sunview. Below are links to all of the Sunview Connections, by date.
Sunview Connection